Hints, tips and lessons learned

Vision, Measurement, Behavioural Science and a CRM

As we approach the end of the year, like many of you, The Measured Marketer is reflecting on the year that was and have popped together a few of our key hints, tips and lessons learned from across 2023. Here’s hoping they spark a few ideas for 2024!

Always start with the company vision

It might seem obvious, but at the heart of every successful marketing effort, there is a deep understanding of the company vision. This sets the tone for every word you speak, every decision you make on branding – and every design and message that is created to deliver it. Only once this is articulated can you tailor how you deliver those messages – and to whom.

We’ve had the great fortune to work with a number of companies who have clearly stated mission statements – or we have helped to create them. These visions drive WHO they are in business to serve, WHY it’s important to them, HOW they go about creating those benefits through their business efforts, WHAT those benefits look like and by WHEN do they want to deliver them.

Tips: Make sure any annual marketing review and planning process looks back at your company vision. Is it still the right fit for the organisation? Have the activities across the year supported it? What can we do next year to further embed it across the organisation? Bringing people and teams from outside marketing into these discussions can be extremely helpful, and enable different perspectives (and ideas!) to be explored.

Start measuring from the get-go!

As the Measured Marketer we had to put this one in, right? You can’t under-estimate the power of having data from the outset. As one of our team members explains:

One of my first full-time marketing task was dragging historical data and looks for 6 divisions of a small manufacturing enterprise into a more modern format in an effort to rebrand and consolidate the marketing effort.
The range of tasks was HUGE, everything from redesigning websites and all the collateral that comes along with branding. Oh and setting up all the social media channels and a few YouTube channels for training videos (you guessed it, also on my to-do list). Not understanding the importance of the before and after scenarios at the time, I just got on with it.

History shows that I made a valiant effort – but unfortunately, I failed to gain agreement of the starting point and so pointing out the finished results 2 years later was difficult. This was a bitter pill to swallow, as I’d worked with some wonderful people during that time and no one ended up getting the pat on the back they deserved from upper management! The company did win 2 marketing awards during this time, so I know we were doing something right.”

So don’t leave the measuring to chance – it’s so important to be able to show the value of all your marketing activities to decision makers, clients and your team – so you can celebrate the successes and learn from the failures.

Tips: Pick some data points – it often doesn’t even matter that much what they are (and there are so many to choose from!) But pick a point and create some benchmarks. Talk to someone about these starting points and get some advice on which tools will help you map progress best. Then remember to take time each month and review!

Use behavioural science to drive action

In this era of AI-is-everywhere, we need to remember that while AI delivers great benefits, we still need to understand how people think and act so we can encourage our prospects to take action. We’ve picked out three of our favourite ways you can use it from “Using Behavioural Science in Marketing” author Nancy Harut (and as outlined in HubSpot’s 2024 Trends):

Emotion: B2B decision-making isn’t as logical as some might imagine. As the article outlines, if you feel like it’s getting harder and harder to have people interact and feel connected with your organisation or your marketing, go the emotional route. Focusing on the emotions of your audience (instead of logic) will help you increase conversions by 13%.   
Labelling: Humans are tribal creatures. If you are able to paint the picture of a group that your audience identifies with, they will often try and act like that group. For example, if you say “For manufacturing professionals like you”, you can then provide a solution for the label they choose.
Reason Why: The word ‘because’ is extremely powerful. People are 90% more likely to comply as long as they are aware of the justification, regardless of how sound the reason is!  So, simply add the reason why you want an action taken.

You absolutely need some form of CRM

Sales and marketing requires a long-term vision for what you want to accomplish and choosing a CRM that serves the here and now as well as the future, bigger you is working smarter at its best.

Why is a CRM so important? Firstly, it serves as a central database for all your sales and marketing data. Every deal won or lost, every lead at every stage of its funnel journey, dead leads, email communications and all the tasks surrounding delivering measurable marketing results. And measuring is the key: your CRM data will point you at what works and what doesn’t.

Secondly, there’s the ability to segment and target your marketing messages directly at the audiences who will be most ready to respond. Ker-ching!

Tips: choose a CRM that integrates with other tools and programs you’re already using. Don’t be distracted by shiny bells and whistles, or too-complex programming and clunky dashboards! Find the simplest, most easily adoptable CRM for your team and start counting the benefits!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our clients, partners, suppliers and their families.

