Is your website Secure?

Make sure your website is secure

Do you know if your website is secure? What does secure even mean?

October 24, 2017, Google has made a major change that will impact the majority of small business websites.  After this date, all websites that do not have an SSL Certificate installed will be flagged as “Not Secure” when a visitor interacts with a form.

The Measured Marketer has been reviewing our clients and friends websites recently.  Making sure everyone was secure ahead of this change.

If your website does not yet have a SSL certificate then your website is not secure.  

What is an SSL? It is the green padlock at the top of a website:

Is your website Secure? - website is secure

This is something that we really recommend you have fixed as soon as possible. You may need to notify your central website or technical team.

I’ve found a really helpful, simple-to-understand article that you might like to read about this change.

This website explains what secure means and why it is important.

Making sure your website is secure will become increasingly important!

If you need any help getting an SSL certificate for your website, please give me (Jacqui Daley) a buzz on 0449 845 595 or email and we can get the team onto it for you!