A clear path forward with our outsourced CMO service

A clear path forward with our outsourced CMO service - The Measured Marketer

CLIENT: Sirron Holdings

OFFERING: Group of businesses spanning commercial dishwashers, kitchen equipment, cleaning chemicals and finance

OBJECTIVE: Pivot the business in the midst of COVID-19 away from the reliance on the hospitality industry to ensure its survival


  • Sirron Holdings has been in operation for over 60 years, traditionally as a supplier of kitchen equipment with a focus on commercial dish and glasswashers
  • The market for commercial kitchen products essentially disappeared overnight with the COVID-19 shutdown measures imposed on the hospitality industry in Australia
  • As a result the business was facing immediate staff layoffs, a massive decline in revenue, and the potential closure of its factory in Caves Beach NSW
  • The group of businesses included the Zexa Chemicals which produced a range of cleaning products for commercial kitchen use which presented an opportunity, however the existing range was not suitable in their existing format as domestic or commercial hand sanitisers


  • New domestic hand sanitiser product scoped, raw materials sourced, production line established and product made available to the market by Sirron Holdings – all in one week
  • Strategic marketing workshop to develop approach to marketing the new products – to commercial and domestic markets
  • Tailored messaging for the sanitiser offering created and the website updated to reflect the new offering
  • Creation of Zexa Chemicals social media channels and advertising accounts and the development of advertising designed and executed to target primary markets
  • Content creation role recruited to support ongoing marketing and communications
  • Media coverage locally and internationally with estimated value of $300,000 eqv. advertising spend
  • Business flourishing through pandemic and introduction to a range of new customers that will be relevant to cross promote other brands and services long into the future
  • Just five weeks after the initial pivot, Zexa was able to offer 10 new products, with 5 new packaging styles and 3 new dispensing options

“When COVID-19 drove the need for a significant shift in our business, TMM was able to provide frank clarity on positioning and honest feedback on how to take our new hand sanitiser offering to the market. Our existing partnership with TMM also meant we had a really good marketing structure and framework in place that – as this hit – we were able to pivot to suit the new world. We had the confidence to move forward with 10 new products, 5 new packaging styles and 3 new dispensing options all created in 5 weeks, as well as the checkpoints we need to keep us on track.”  

Greg Gates, Sirron Holdings


A clear path forward with our outsourced CMO service -

Photo credit: Lake Macquarie Council